Ned Flanders and Marge Simpson testing anal sex

Simpsons Hentai Gina

Hentai Picture: Ned Flanders and Marge Simpson testing anal sex
Simpsons fellas have nothing better to do than doing it anew with new series of dirty porn that cannot have enough of raw sex and for their sexual desires… That chick eats dick and reveals her bushy cunt while slamming her ass down on cock on camera. Let’s follow the lead of a hootchie from Simpsons who is getting fucked on the pavement after trying on some clothes in a shop a couple of minutes ago.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy

“This is perverted”, Lisa told herself as she crept down the darkened hallway of her house, moving closer to the soft moans coming from her parents bedroom.

It was almost one o’clock in the morning, and Lisa, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightie had been fighting the urge to peek for ages.

Thoughts of being caught flashed into her mind, the outrage of her parents, the embarrassment of it.

But other images flashed too. Images off passionate, wriggling bodies and glistening skin… a hard cock, swaying testicles… legs sensually spread wide and spasming.

Lisa couldn’t help herself, she had to look,Quietly, she opened her parents bedroom door.

In the darkness, Lisa crept silently forward, until she could see the bed, and the writhing bodies upon it.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Blue Tongues Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Blue Tongues Chapter 1

Geez, Bart! You’re really breaking
out the good stuff! After-prank licorice for a week straight? It must
cost you a fortune!

It was amazing that Bart kept sharing
his fancy, exotic candy with me. I had only met him two weeks before,
and he was treating me like his brother! But…do I really deserve
such treatment? I mean, I’m a sneak for Skinner! I have to keep
hiding things from Bart, like why it takes so long for me to go to
the bathroom (actually a conversing place with Skinner and
Chalmers), or why I always watch spy movies and read spy books. It’s
simply to pick up a few tricks of the sneaking trade.

Hey, man, you all right? You’ve been
quiet and you didn’t even bite off the top of your licorice.
Bart’s voice stirred me out of my thoughts. He had a concerned look
on his face, although the care level dropped due to his blue tongue
sticking out of his mouth. The two of us sat side by side, him on my
left, I on his right.

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Marge Simpson looks so torrid when simply washing the window

Nude Simpsons Pics

Hentai Picture: Marge Simpson looks so torrid when simply washing the window
Brown Marge Simpson has tallowed herself and sticks her cunt hooks one after another into her backwoods business! See the hottest heroes from Simpsons getting nude in the way you have never seen before… It’s time to fill up this heavily bosomed Simpsons slut who has a sexy ass and a fuck-ready snatch…

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Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Simpsons characters.

Please read and review! Both constructive criticism and praise are greatly appreciated!

Slumber Party

Smithers, its getting late. Are you ready to go yet? Mr. Burns asked, perturbed, as I tied my brand new tanzanite blue bow tie around my neck adroitly but with haste. I had bought it especially for this occasion. Mr. Burns and I had been invited to the most exalted party of the year, hosted by Shelbyvilles wealthiest citizen, Mr. Jacob Harris. Mr. Burns and I were the only denizens of Springfield whose presences were desired at that particular, prestigious event, and Mr. Burns wanted nothing more than to attend it.

I was rather elated at the prospect myself. Unusually, I was invited separately from Mr. Burns to the party, and although I loved to be considered one with Mr. Burns, it made me feel special to be thought of as an individual member of the elite society rather than just another members also rich lackey.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Lisa is Pregnant Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Lisa is Pregnant Chapter 2

Later that the Simpsons came hom. Maggie was at the door!

“Lisa! Lisa!” she said hugging her sister. “Where is Bart?”

“We’ll go over that later Maggie” Lisa said shaking her head.

“Okay!” Maggie smiled and walked back to play some of Bart’s video games.

“She reminds of you and Bart!” Marge say

“Wait a cottonpicking minute something ain’t right!” Homer noticed for once.

“What is it Dad?” Lisa question.

“What WERE you doing in the mountain in the first place we never found out!”

Lisa froze. That’s right! What was she and Bart doing?

“I dun’t remember.” Lisa says “only remember when Bart saved me then I blacked out…”

Marge looked at Homer worriedly. Lisa has a minor anmesia.

“Nevermin now how do we tell Maggie?” Marge worries

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons Truth or Dare Chapter 13

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons Truth or Dare Chapter 13

Hey Guys! I’m going on vacation tommorow.

So I wont update till…I dunno…till…the latists the 14th…So dont review this just PM me cause this is the next chap…maybe sooner if i can get internet acces where I’m going… But I’ll try… see you guys on the 14

Sincearly Depthmon

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Simpsons Porn Story: Vigna Caracalla Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Vigna Caracalla Chapter 1


This is an M/M fic, so if you dont like, dont read.

Or even better: Read until you start loving it.

Bear in mind that Im from Norway. (Thats my excuse for everything. –;), so my English may have some grammar mistakes.

This is a Bart/Nelson fic, with some small hints of Millhouse/Lisa. Sideshow Bob also makes an appearance. I Just love that guy

And just so you know, I dont own the Simpsons, not even one single characterNot fair. Own this story though.

Anyway, enjoy!

Thats at least what Bart’s thinking.

Yup, he was busted. He knew he should have resisted placing a stink bomb in Principals Skinners favourite collection of Vigna caracalla-. Why Skinner bothered to collect the same type of wine Bart never knew, and he didnt want to know.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Marge dairy Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Marge dairy Chapter 1



go up six oclock and do breakfast for Homer,
Lisa, Bart and Maggie.

seven oclock I wake up Lisa, Bart, and homer and after they eat I
get Bart, Lisa to school. After I left them in school I go to the
hairdresser and fix my hair. After the hairdresser I go to
Kwik-e-mark with my hairdresser friends and we buy one share and we
got 20 pound and we share in 4 so we get 5 pound each.


get up early and go to the church. Homer derived and we came 30
minutes late I really rotten.

church we going to a art museum really interesting Lisa liked it to
but not Bart or Homer. So the star to eat up al ice cream and all
sugar thing so we being throwed out. So we derived home and we eat
chicken then the children look on Crusty the clown and Itchy and
Scratchy. They fall asleep around ten PM. Now I must quit because I
and my Homie are going to have fun!! HiHi

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Simpsons Porn Story: Truth or Dare

Simpsons Porn Story: Truth or Dare

Bart and Lisa where playing on there nintendo DS. They where chatting in pictochat and lisa wanted to play thruth or dare on DS. So bart asks lisa: Truth are u still virgin. And lisa answers: Bart u may not ask that besides im still eight years old. Now its lisa’s turn and lisa asks DARE show UR weeny. Bart says: I am not going to show it here. Lisa answers: Well show it to me upstairs or dont U dare. So they eventually go upstair and bart says: Here it goes (shy). Lisa laughs and says thats little and she looks at it and touches it. Bart yells what are u doing! Lisa says: I just wanna feel it and opens her mouth and sucks it so deep in her throath that she almost cant breath. Bart falls back and says do u love me. Lisa doesnt answer and looks shy. She stands up and takes her cloths off and gets on the bed and says DARE are u coming bart. Bart rips hes clothes of and goes with lisa in the bed and says now its my turn.

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