Who could knew that Luann Van Houten was a flick starlet back in her days?

Simpsons Xxx

Hentai Picture: Who could knew that Luann Van Houten was a flick starlet back in her days?
Luann Van Houten in sexy stockings gets her fanny and asshole polished by two hard dicks! Notorious Simpsons heroes return once again with their new naughty ways in this thread. Lusty bitch from Simpsons craves to take on this heaviest fuck load of her whole life.

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Simpsons Porn Story: xmas new

Simpsons Porn Story: xmas new

New Version

Twas the night before XXXmas, in the Simpsons house

Everyone had been fucking, even the cat and mouse,

Homer and Bart were hung like two bears,

Both poking Marge and Lisa without care.

When the family was done, they took to their beds,

While visions of incest danced in their heads,

And Marge in her ‘kerchief, and Homer in a Mr. Plow cap,

Had just settled their loins for a long winter’s nap…

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

Homer fell out of bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window he tripped like a clod,

Tore down the curtains and was hit by the rod. (D’oh!)

The moon on the breast of Marge made him hard

But he turned his attention back to the front yard,

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Simpsons Pornography Story: Smooch Me Chapter Four

Simpsons Pornography Story: Smooch Me Chapter Four

The next day I went to see Dr. Hibbert. I hadnt been to the doctors office for a checkup in quite some time, but I needed desperately to know what was wrong with me. So, I sauntered down to Hibberts clinic and sat patiently in the waiting room, looking through odd book-like objects filled with nothing but celebrity gossip.

I then came to a page in one of them that featured two male specimens in a lip-lock. I stared at it, agape. I had never seen anything quite like it. It made me feel exceedingly uncomfortable and yet intrigued. The former emotion was more prominent, though, so I hastily shut the book and tossed it on the counter, my facing feeling rather searing with mortification at the image or maybe just with my interest in it. At that moment, a young nurse called me back, and I was more than grateful to get away from that book-like thing and try to expunge the picture from my mind.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bart Simpson Outcast Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Bart Simpson Outcast Chapter 1

Bart Simpson: Outcast

By Quick-n-Popular

Chapter One: The eyes of defeat

Walking down a boulevard, on her way to work, Ashley Darrlow paused as she saw a figure lying down on the street.

Her first instinct was to call 911, but curiosity overcame her and she decided to look at the spectacle.

Walking over, her work high heels clicking with each step she took, she made her way up eight feet toward the body, which revealed it to be a boy her age.

His hair spiky, his clothes muddy and disheveled; he looked like either a bum or a complete mess.

Ashley, satisfied that she had full-filled what her curiosity had for her, called 911.

When the ambulance arrived, they couldnt find any identification on the boy and asked Ashley if she wouldnt mind riding with them to the hospital, since the only available Police Officer to take a statement was there.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 4

Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 4

Ch. 4

half of it, Bart started dancing around drunk. And the saints go
marching he slurred. He then climbed on his bed and started
jumping on it. and they go marching. Go saints As he
jumped this time, he did a twirl and missed the bed, landing flat on
his back. He groaned.

the ruckus, Lisa came in the room. Bart! Are you okay?? she
asked, coming to her sick brother. She looked in his eyes.

wheel in the sky keeps on turning. He attempted to sing.

Bart! Your breath smells horrible! Lisa commented, turning away.
Bart only laughed and started looking for his can of beer, wanting to
finish it.

took another close look at Bart. Is Bart drunk?? Lisa asked
herself, seeing the signs of being drunk. She saw it enough in her
dad to know them. Oh my gosh, I think he really is drunk!

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Simpsons Porn Story: The simpsons Story Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The simpsons Story Chapter 1


Simpsons Story

Mmmm doughnuts. Me no marry Marge. I will marry you.

Homie wake up. There is something important I need to tell you.

Mind: Oh no she wants a divorce. What have I done to deserve this?

Look Marge. Sweetie. I will not divorce you for stupid doughnuts.
Maybe two but not 1.

No! Its not about doughnuts. Its about the trip I am taking
alone. To Texas.

Marge. When did this hick trip come to mind?

At dinner last night you said you agreed to this trip.

to last Night)



Look Homer I need to talk to you about something important.


Mind: What is she rambling about now college?

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Simpsons Porn Story: The Internet Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The Internet Chapter 1

The Internet

One day Marge was at the store with
Maggie and she wanted to sign up for a discount program. So she
filled out a form and came to the last thing an e-mail. Marge didn’t

have one so she left and was going on
the internet to get an e-mail. she went on yahoo and got an e-mail
She liked the internet and found cheap deals on

everything she needed. The next day she
checked her e-mail but when she got on yahoo a pop-up came up. It was
for a game called Midevil Moments . She signed up and apeared by

a town. It said she was a level 1
wizard and had to train to become more powerful and rule Midevil
Moments. Now she had to find someone to teach her how to play.

She walked in and she saw Apu. “What
are you doing here Mrs. Homer Simpson?” asked Apu. “I’m
playing the game she said.” how exactley do you play? Suddenly
all the shops

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 5

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 5

The turn of events had bart flabbergasted. Bart Simpson had what could only be described as the perfect fantasy.

“Come on bart!” Marge said.

Marge leaned down to bart’s dick and started sucking his stiff prick rapidly into her mouth. Bart’s hand reached around Marge’s head pulling her tighter against his body. Marge rocked her head back and forth using her mouth and chin to massage bart’s hard dick deeply. Bart watched intently.”Come on in bart” quipped lisa..

Bart started planting kisses all over marge’s soft ass cheeks. Bart moved from the top of her crack towards the small of her back. He must have brushed a ticklish spot as it made her body squirmed to get away from his tongue. Sliding his hand underneath her he pushed up between her legs his thumb finding her wet hole. Bart reamed the entrance gently and with his thumb penetrating her ass slightly as his index finger penetrated marge’s slit and raked over her clit. As Marge’s body jumped bart jammed his thumb completely into her wet pussy grinding as much of his hand as possible between her lips and deep into marge’s hole. Marge’s legs splayed she humped down to capture bart’s hand deep into her cunt. Bart thrust his hand harder against her driving his thumb and part of his hand up into her body. Bart’s index finger mashed her clit. he rubbed his hand back and forth over the engorged clit. Marge grunted as bart hammered her with his fingers. Bart nipped Marge’s ass holding her flesh between his teeth biting gently. Bart thrust his thumb in and out of her wet hole. Marge’s body dropped down each time he withdrew trying to keep his thumb deep in her body. Each time he thrust upwards she grunted out her breath. Breathing was becoming ragged. As bart pulled his hand out of marge’s crotch She groaned a groan of displeasure She wanted more.
Bart ran in to the bedroom and and jumped on Marge and homer’s bed. Positioning himself so his cock was ready and waited for Marge Seconds passed but Marge came over to the bed quickly. Without hesitating she dived for his cock her lips wrapping around it’s head her tongue licking all sides quickly. Bart pushed her body down to her back pulling her lower body toward his head.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Tutor Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Tutor Chapter 1

A/N: I own nothing and all mistakes are mine. Enjoy, and please review.

Marge had talked her into tutoring Bart after school. His grades were slipping (from D to F) and she feared he might have to repeat fourth grade.

Lisa opened the book and knew from the look on her brothers face that this wasnt going to be worth the ten dollars she was getting paid.

OK, Bart, she said. Lets start with something easy. Whats eight multiplied by eleven?

He looked at her with a blank look on his face. How was he meant to know? A Math problem?

No, Bart, she groaned. What do you get when you multiply eight by eleven?

A headache.

Oh for the love of she trailed off. Its eighty-eight!

Bart shrugged. It was embarrassing being tutored by his little sister. Whatever, next question please.

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Simpsons Porn Story: untitlted by Brandon Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: untitlted by Brandon Chapter 1

Disclaimer: The following fanfiction story, under the fair use provisions of copyright, was written and edited by a student at the LHS freshmen writing program. It is not a publication of LHS. All errors, issues and changes to canon are the student’s. -Mr. C.

The Simpsons

It was normal day in Springfield. Until 1:28pm Maggie said her first wordDaddy.Marge said what did you say? She picked up her cell phone and text message Homer Maggie said Daddy .Homer gets the message and he said Ill be there as soon as possible . She text back Okay honey .Now Marge is looking for a video camroe to record this beatuful time of joy.

Once she finds it she says say it again for mommy. Daddy she say I LOVE YOU is at his new job as mortician .When he gets a text message saying Maggie said daddy. Homer is so happy he for got to take off his gloves with a hole lot of blood and yells out DOH.

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