Simpsons Porn Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 3

Sorry for not
updating I havent had many ideas. Thank you to booklover, for
putting this story on alert. It means a lot! As for reviews

1wilson1:Thank you
soooo much! Have a cookie!

Evil Riggs: Call me
ignorant, but I dont really get your review

0o0oLine Breako0o0

St. Gabriels
Orphanage was known for taking in poor children off the streets, so
when a little boy named Ralph Wiggum was brought in one day, it
didnt seem like such a big deal. The orphanage staff brought Ralph
to the Director so that he could learn his way around.

The Director was
tall, thin, and had a short temper. So the staff told Ralph that he
shouldnt make the Director angry. Sadly, Ralph was too busy
playing with his socks to hear the warning.

They hurriedly
deposited him in the Directors office, then left. None of them
wanted to be around if he blew his top.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Adventures part 6

Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Adventures part 6

Part 6

It was 2:00 am when Maggie started up. Her crying, and screaming woke
Marge up within seconds, while Homer slept peacefully through. She
checked on her baby, and felt she was running a fever. So, she
quickly went downstairs looking for medicine. She found none.
Horrified, she called Dr Hibbert. He was sleepy, but in good mood.
Marge told him she was scared sick; Maggie was burning up, and had a
dry, dirty cough going. Dr Hibbert said too meet him in his office in
half an hour. Marge didnt wait, and quickly she drove to the Dr’s
office, where she waited impatiantly for 20 mintues. Then, he arrived.

Marge greeted him worriedly, and started asking questions while he
was opening his office. They went in, and quickly Dr Hibbert took
Maggies temp. She was only 99 degrees. He said, not to worry, as it
was probably only a 24 hour sickness. Marge hugged him, and gace him
a kiss on the cheek.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Moleman Takes Over Springfield Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Moleman Takes Over Springfield Chapter 2

Hi Apu,
the usual. Bart said to the Kwik-E-Mart attendant.

Mr Bart
Sir your father has sent you on another late night shopping
expedition for, I assume a deep fried chocolate bar. Predicted Apu

yep you
said it Apu, my man. Replied Bart.

thanks Bart handed over the money. As he was leaving he heard
from behind him. Thank you come again.

walked out of the shop to find his bike had been stolen. All that was
left was a broken bike chain.

Oh man
Bart said to the streets of Springfield

Then out
of nowhere Bart heard Nelsons voice with his usual catch phrase
Ha Ha as he was riding Barts bike down the road.

turned lowered his head and started to walk home.

On his way
home he came across Kent Brokman out side the Retirement Villege.

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Simpsons Porn Story: It Wasnt Me Chapter 5

Simpsons Porn Story: It Wasnt Me Chapter 5

Milhouse had rushed out the house and along the street. He stopped when he saw a car and, realising who it belonged to, he dived in to a nearby bush. The car drove by and a few guys got out, guns in their hands, and forced their way in to the Simpsons house.

Milhouse watched as his four friends were pulled out the house, all gagged and blindfolded. He saw the car pull away and ran after it. Luckily for him the car wasnt going fast and got stuck in traffic along the way.

Soon the car reached the destination and everyone got out. His friends were shoved in to the building and Milhouse slipped in behind, keeping in the shadows and trying his hardest not to make a sound. He lost sight of them as they went round a corner and two men stayed to guard.

The group were thrown in to a small cell together and had their blindfolds taken off. They blinked as their eyes adjusted to the light. Get used to this. Youll be here a while, Fat Tony grinned. Oh, and Bart, well be back for you later.

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Simpsons Porn Story: xmas old

Simpsons Porn Story: xmas old

Original Version

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their bed,

While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads,

And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,

Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap…

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,

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Sempson females love bi-racial romp

Marge Simpsons Sex Videos

Hentai Picture: Sempson females love bi-racial romp
Cock-hungry hookers of Simpsons ready to do everything to make visitors satisfied. Slutty babe being shagged by two fellas and sandwiched between two cocks in various positions! Crazy girl from Simpsons is ready for the hardest fucking task of all her previous experience.

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Simpsons Porn Story: President Lisa Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: President Lisa Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Im Kent Brockman and this is Normal Vision evening news, Bart Simpson, brother of President Lisa Simpson is currently being scrutinized for taking part in the Loan Evading policy of his sister Kent could no longer continue, an unhappy Lisa appears, she walks towards her desk waiting, she then moves towards the intercom.

Millhouse would you get Bart in here please Lisa then moved away from the desk massaging her aching head

Could I come in too? the intercom blared

Lisa then rushed back to the desk, No Millhouse I would want to talk to Bart alone

Oh Ok Millhouse replied obviously disappointed

Bart burst through the door in his usual Hawaiian floral shirt and jean shorts. Whats up sis?

Ill tell you whats up, your being subpoenaed by the Senate Special Blue Ribbon Committee you idiot! Lisa was obviously mad, incredibly mad.

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Homer Simpson rigid plumb Marge Simpson

Simpsons Allison Porn

Hentai Picture: Homer Simpson rigid plumb Marge Simpson
Welcome to the dimension of Simpsons sex where your craziest sex fantasies never stops. Lusty bitch from Simpsons is ready for the hardest fucking task of all her previous experience! A couple of lustful studs poke their rods into a hot Marge Simpson’s cock-sucker and DP her the hard way.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Springfield Secret Society2

Simpsons Porn Story: Springfield Secret Society2

Springfield Secret Society

Part 2

A few weeks passed as Marge
thought about what happened. When she had time to herself she would play the
whole thing in her head and masturbate.Even when she had sex with Homer, all she could think about was Manjula,
her body, and her taste.Eventually she
couldnt get off with Homer.She needed
something more.So late one evening
after she fed Homer and the kids, she escaped and went to the Quickie
Mart.For some reason she new that
Manjula was there, and when she walked in she thought she heard Manjula give
her a whistle.She thought of it for a
second and walked to the counter.Hello
Marge, Im glad to see you again.Manjula said as she waited for Marge to say something.I, um.Its nice to see you too.Marge tried to say in a normal voice but she
couldnt.Not after what they did with
each other.You dont have to say
anything.I was is
your shoes once.Manjula said as she
leaned towards Marge.The woman who
introduced me to the society was the squishee lady.Manjula said as Marge was taken aback.Really, I thought you two had it in after,
you know.Marge said as Manjula
sighed.Well, a few months later we
decided it was better for the store to go back to squishies.And one day while I was working she came to
fill the machine.Manjula sighed as she
remembered what went on that day.

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Simpsons Porno Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 1

Simpsons Porno Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 1

Yay! My first fanfic! Im kinda new to this, so if anyone would
like to help, that would be great!

Homer! Theres a surprise nuclear inspection today! Look
busy, Lenny called out. Homer turned away from his portable TV.
Cant this wait till after wrestling?! Nacho Man is going up
against the Beef Grinder! Lenny shrugged. Its your funeral
Homer With that said, Lenny wandered off, as his station had
already been inspected. Homer went back to watching wrestling. About
5 minutes later, Mr. Burns walked by with the nuclear inspector.
Ill trust that everything is to your liking, he said with that
evil smile of his. That was before he spotted Homer screaming
profanities at television wrestlers. SIMPSON! What are you
doing?! Homer jumped a mile high. AHH! MR. BURNS! Uhhhhhh, Im
working, (at this he pushed about six different buttons on his
control panel) see? You IDIOT!!! That starts the- A
mechanized voice was suddenly heard all over Springfield. Dimension
Ray online in three, two, one, zero. Ray activating now. Homer
looked around nervously. Ooops. With that, at least half of
Springfield disappeared into a big, purple, swirly vortex in the sky.

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