Simpsons Porn Story: Alison comes to stay – Final chapter
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Chapter 5: ‘Long Night’
For a while, Allison could do little more than just lay there, flat on her back, panting heavily after having removed the pillow from her mouth. Sufficit to say though, she had a look of complete satisfaction across her face.
“You okay?” Bart asked with a smile, now sitting up on the bed next to the brunette, his own face still covered in her nectar.
Allison merely nodded to begin with, then smiled back at the boy who had just given her so much pleasure. “Yeah, I’m fine!” she managed to say at last. “I’ve never felt anything like that before. We’ve got to try it again,” Then, with a smirk, Allison added cheekily, “Oh, and did I mess you all up, Bart?”