Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 5
AUTHORESS’S NOTE: Once again, thank you all for reading and reviewing! Every word is treasured. :) Enjoy chapter five, and please continue to R&R! And a bit of shameless self-advertising: I posted the first chapter of a new fic I’m writing “Staggering Serendipities”, and I’d love if you guys checked it out. :)
A while later, when the severe awkwardness had worn off a bit, I won the game with any Scrabble-fanatics favorite word: qi.
Qi? What the hell is a qi? Mr. Burns had asked, unsure if he wanted to challenge me or not.
I explained, Qi is the crucial force that Taoists and other Chinese think to be innate in all things. Unhindered transmission of qi and equilibrium of its opposing forms in ones body is believed to be vital to good health in conventional Chinese medicine, and