Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 5

Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 5

AUTHORESS’S NOTE: Once again, thank you all for reading and reviewing! Every word is treasured. :) Enjoy chapter five, and please continue to R&R! And a bit of shameless self-advertising: I posted the first chapter of a new fic I’m writing “Staggering Serendipities”, and I’d love if you guys checked it out. :)

A while later, when the severe awkwardness had worn off a bit, I won the game with any Scrabble-fanatics favorite word: qi.

Qi? What the hell is a qi? Mr. Burns had asked, unsure if he wanted to challenge me or not.

I explained, Qi is the crucial force that Taoists and other Chinese think to be innate in all things. Unhindered transmission of qi and equilibrium of its opposing forms in ones body is believed to be vital to good health in conventional Chinese medicine, and

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Simpsons Porn Story: Stories of Milhouse and Hopefully Lisa Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Stories of Milhouse and Hopefully Lisa Chapter 1

of Milhouse and (Hopefully) Lisa

There will be a severe case of OOCness and canon flaws in this fic.
It was all due to the authors lack of knowledge regarding all 400
episodes of The Simpsons. The author was really sorry.

Dictionary Didnt Wear Tennis Shoes

Simpson had nothing to do. Even the best prankster can only do so
much jokes, pranks, and wedgies in one day. So he wandered around the
neighborhood, occasionally laugh at his neighbors zany antics.

found Milhouse Van Houten, one of his best (as in easily used)
friend was focusing on a really thick dictionary. The dictionary was
titled, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Deluxe for 999th
Reading Level.

are you doing with that dictionary, Milhouse?

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Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 10

Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 10

Please read and review! Both constructive criticism and praise are greatly appreciated!

Now, I know you might find it odd that I know exactly where Springfields gay community is, but Bart started as we hopped off the trolley together.

I was a bit curious, I admitted.

Well, I know it might seem odd, but…uhits Milhouse who always wants to come here, Bart explained implausibly. Yeah, Milhouse.

I shrugged it off and we began to walk down the streets of the hidden part of Springfield, where parents would never let their kids go, where adults themselves preferred to stay away from. The secrecy and supposed scandal that surrounded this community both shocked and appalled me, like so many other things in the world I was born into.

Whenever my family would set foot here, by some chance of wrong directions or whatnot, my dad would start growing anxious and even my mom would seem uncomfortable. But I knew there was nothing to fear or loathe here. These were just people like all of us, no different. I was never less than happy here, except for that day with Bart. That day when I looked like any random, pointlessly apprehensive heterosexual. I hoped people didnt get the wrong idea by the look of trepidation that must have been scribbled across my face.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Career Day Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Career Day Chapter 1


Simpsons fanfic. Its career day at Jebidiah Springfield Middle
School and Maury does a report about his father and even has him
appear at the school to answer questions. Of course, he answers no
to the free beer question, even though he will take-over Moes
Tavern someday.

Maury reveals that he will delve into his other passions of
oceanography and nature.

1First Day of School

and Maury were anxious to be attending Jebidiah Springfield Middle
School for the first time knowing that they would probably be
separate from one another. Even though that was a high possibility,
the siblings knew that they wouldnt be apart for long. They had
adjusted to being by themselves and being independent, so there
wouldnt be any trouble for them getting used to taking different
classes since the two of them had such unique interests.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Adventures part 8

Simpsons Porn Story: Bart’s Adventures part 8

Part 8

It was summer.. the sweat on Marge’s face proved that. She had done
nothing all day but sit in front of the fan, watching TV. The kids
where at camp, Homer working, and the housework; finished. She heard
a steady knock on the door, and she slowly got up to see who it was.
More knocking, this time stronger. She opened the door, and found it

was Homers father, Abe Simpson. She let him in. He was sweating like
a horse, and looked exhausted. She quickly went to give him a cool
glass of lemonade, which he drank.

Abe told Marge he was taking a walk, and started to feel exhausted,
and thirsty and he needed a drink. He sat down, next to Marge: taking
in the cool winds her fan produced. He sat she was sweating alot,
alot. Her clothes stuck to her and revealed her perky breasts, and
even a little nipple. He got a little turned on. He hadnt had sex in

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 3

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 3

Homer Simpson was watching a movie when he became aware that marge was taking a long time talking to lisa. He got up and went to lisa’s room. The door was ajar but rather than barge right in he pocked his head in and listened first. A long low moan was the first thing homer heard. Homer recognized the sound immediately.

It was the sound his loving wife marge made when she was particularly aroused.

Homer peeked inside and the sight he saw made his cock jerk in his pants. His wife marge and daughter lisa were naked and lisa was licking marge’s cunt like a little demon.

Homer stared at lisa’s naked body and dropped a hand to his bulging cock watching the way she tongued marge’s over-ripe pussy.

When marge came he watched them kiss and hug tenderly. Homer’s cock was hard as a rock just looking at lisa’s juicy slit and he began to jerk off.

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Simpsons Porn Story: The Simpson Boy Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The Simpson Boy Chapter 1




One Day
On The Internet

Simpson, ten year old underachiever and proud of it, was surfing the
web for information on a topic he had learned about in Science class
the other day.

everyone, said. Today were going to learn about
Virtual Reality also known as VR. she told the class. Now
then, she began. Virtual Reality was first designed as a way to
train military soldiers. she explained. However, the idea of a
virtual game was soon thought of and many tried to find a way to
perfect the process. she continued as Bart listened which was
something he normally never did. Today, there are virtual tours of
museums and virtual training programs for astronauts. she said
just as the bell rang. Class dismissed. she said. And
remember children theres more information about VR on the
internet. she shouted as the kids ran out the door. Ill have
to check that out. Bart thought. As the idea strangely had caught
his attention.

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Groundskeeper Willie rock rock-hard rip up Marge Simpson

Simpsons Cartoon Sex Videos

Hentai Picture: Groundskeeper Willie rock rock-hard rip up Marge Simpson
You’ll find out at this point every inch from lickerish fellers monking the charlies of easy on the eyes Simpsons fillies to sweaty, severe bondage scenes! Marge Simpson getting nude and filling her wet pussy with a huge rubber dick… Could you ever have enough of top-notch Simpsons pranks that will leave you breathless and provoke your sex-starved cock get unleashed?

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Homer doesn’t approve Marge to deep-throat other fellow’s trunk

Anime Sex Simpsons

Hentai Picture: Homer doesn’t approve Marge to deep-throat other fellow’s trunk
Special episode of Simpsons frenzy with the hottest characters get into the naughtiest pursuits! Delicate Ned Flanders showing off her thoroughly stretched ass hole after a great anal fuck. Let’s follow the example of a babe from Simpsons who is getting banged on the roadside after making purchases a couple of minutes ago.

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Simpsons Porn Story: One Night At Moes Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: One Night At Moes Chapter 1

It was a typical evening at Moe’s Tavern. The last of the casual drinkers, two old’ etc), two old World War II veterans, had just scuffed out of the door, leaving Moe and his regulars, Homer, a sober Barney, Lenny and Carl, alone in the muggy bar.

Homer was talking about a movie whose main theme he had obviously misunderstood. Barney was listening to him while sipping halfheartedly on his coke, knowing that Homer was only trying to get some attention.
Lenny was reflecting on some incidents at the plant, and Carl listened silently to him, even though he had also been there when they’d happened. But that was a fact Lenny tended to forget.
Now and then, he made a somewhat disinterested comment on what Lenny was saying, eyes fixed on his still almost full beer glass.

It was way past midnight, and Moe announced he was closing the Tavern because he ‘had a date’, which was clearly an excuse for going home and looking at some underwear models in womens magazines, all alone in his bedroom.
Barney volunteered to drive a nearly unconscious Homer home, and so left with him, one arm wrapped around the drooling mans waist.
Lenny was still in the mood to talk, babbling about random stuff that jumped into his head.
Hey, Carl, tell him to shut up and get out of my tavern! snapped Moe impatiently, wiping some glasses with his towel.Yeah, were going, replied Carl, grabbing his friends arm.
I’ll bring you home! suggested a totally canned Lenny.
Sure, returned Carl, looking down at him, slightly amused.

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