Simpsons Porn Story: Barts Long Day Chapter 1
Long Day
On November 5th 2012 it seemed like another ordinary day
for Bart Simpson. Bart is just an average ten year old that attends
Springfield Elementary. On this day, Barts class was going on a
field trip to the Science Centre. Bart was looking forward to this
trip the moment Ms. Krabappel announced she would take them on the
field trip. Bart was planning to ditch the tour with his class and
wander around with his best friend Milhouse.
Unfortunately for Bart, when he woke up it was already twenty after
eight! Bart was twenty minutes late for the bus. Bart quickly put on
his orange t-shirt, blue shorts and dashed down the hall. He slid
down the banister to the front entrance of his house. Marge was
standing there holding Barts bag and his lunch. Bart rapidly
snatched the stuff out of her hand and bolted out the front door.
Bart was sprinting down the road towards the Science Centre and as
soon as he was about to turn the corner, he forgot to put on his
shoes! Ay Caramba! Bart shouted as he ran back to his house.
When he arrived back at his house, he put on his shoes and left.