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Animated Simpsons Comics: From this comics you will know that Simpsons damsels Marge and Lisa are real sluts!
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Simpsons Porn Story: The Simpsons X Chapter 4
Simpsons Porn Story: The Simpsons X Chapter 4
not typical that I see you here, Moe says as he gives Reverend
lovejoy a beer.
thought I might need a drink, I never thought my daughter would be in
yeah, you will never believe you has been to jail, I say sipping
my beer. Its warm on my tongue like a hot dog. Mmm hot dog. I
wonder if they actually use dogs in hot dogs, I mean Im fine with
eating a dog and all but only if I know for sure that it died in a
painful way.
boy was with her when she got caught, is he dealing or something?
dealing? I say with a laugh. If Bart was dealing then I wouldnt
have to work so hard to get the family at the just below poverty
where did she get the weed from?
a small, poor town, everybody deals now and then, Moe says as he
pulls out a pipe and smokes some weed.
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Simpsons Porn Story: Kiss Me Chapter 1
Simpsons Porn Story: Kiss Me Chapter 1
PPPPPPPPPPP Note: in this story, WWII actually
begins just after January 1st, 1945.P
PPPPPPPPPPP Molly looked up at her tiger sitting
across the table from her, forcing her bloodshot eyes to focus on his equally bedraggled
PPPPPPPPPPP So Michael.P Which one of us had the great idea of taking
advanced chemistry and Calculus this year?P
The fourteen-year-old bearess asked.P
Michael pushed his text book aside and groaned.
PPPPPPPPPPP I think it was your idea to take
calc and I decided to make a clean sweep of it and take chemistry.P He paused, Wheres Jereem?
PPPPPPPPPPP At a movie with Hannah.P Molly said.P
Hes aced all the tests he doesnt even have to show up for the final
to get an A She smiled tiredly.P He
was going to come here and give us a hand, but I convinced him to go to the
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Simpsons Porn Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 2
Simpsons Porn Story: Purple Swirly Vortex Chapter 2
Sorry if my chapters are short, I always forget my ideas.:P
Ahh! Rabid
squirrel! DONT KILL ME!!! In case youre wondering, the
mother of all rabid squirrels was chasing Homer. Why? Well, let me
refresh your memory
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh-! Homer screamed bloody murder, right until
he hit the ground. The vortex had transported him in front of a HUGE
castle, with a giant lake in front of it. This seems oddly
familiar, Homer thought. He was hungry, so he decided to look for
meat and beer. Well, thats what he would have done, if something
hadnt caught his eye
That something happened to be the squirrel. You see,
Homer was still dazed from his fall, and the squirrel appeared to him
in the form of a deep-fried Krusty Burger.
That also would explain why the sky was yellow but on with the
story. He tried to eat the squirrel, and that brings us back to the
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Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 2
Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 2
Hibbert said it was the
most extra ordinary case he had ever encountered,
Maggie maybe there
are such things as miracles, He Chuckled, Mrs Simpson, he
Announced Addressing Mom, With a case like this by Dinner-Time
Little Margaret is going to be on every newsstand in Springfield!
He ruffled my hair.
Only Lisa now knew I
could hear again and I decided to surprise the rest of my family over
Breakfast with a warm, morning welcome. I Planned Carefully.
My heart is racing, Im
creeping downstairs, after avoiding talking for Six Years I wonder if
I have forgotten how to, What will I say, What will I sound like?
Maybe Im dreaming.
I seize a lump of skin
on the back of my hand and pinch, Pain runs up my arm. I cant
even say OW! Oh God! Im very much awake, I can hear again.
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Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover
Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover
It had been a month since the night Milhouse had toyed with Bart in his sleep and Lisa awaked. Since then, he had not had the opportunity to have sex again, with them or anyone else, even though Bart had slept at his house only a week ago. Milhouse had to resort to hand, but it was getting tiresome. After having a feel of both Simpson kids, he craved for more. Bart had quickly forgotten his strange wake of a month ago, but Lisa hadn’t. She had remained somewhat distant of him however. The sex had been good, but she was only interested in playing with Milhouse, not actually dating him. But even from afar, she could tell Milhouse wasn’t only interested in her. She noticed the glances he gave her brother’s butt and crotch area, even though Bart didn’t. Maybe she could do them both.
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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons Chat room Chapter 1
Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons Chat room Chapter 1
This is about the Simpson Family…It is a little Chat room which I kinda stole the idea off of
Edwards-gurl123….I love her…I have never met her though!
El-Barto has signed on.
Margery has signed on.
Homer has signed on.
Smart-Gal has signed on.
El-Barto says:Homer you fat dad….Get off your lazy but and get me some food!
Smart-Gal says:Bart! Don’t talk to dad like that. Sniggers
Margery says:Kids… Don’t talk to your father like that!
The-Mil has just signed on.
The-Mil says:Heya whatssupppa?
Homer says:Milhouse…..Get off of this chat room!
The-Mil says:B…but Mr Simpson…I…I didn’t do anything. Cries
The-Prince-Ipal has just signed on.
The-Prince-Ipal says:Bart Simpson! You have a detention! Get to school.
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Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter II
Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter II
But Milhouse still obliged his friend and Maggie followed, sucking on her pacifier as she descended the stairs on her own with uncanny dexterity for a baby. Once she reached the bottom, Maggie toddled after her brother and his friend, tripping on her own dress as she often did on flat even surfaces. She got to the couch just as Bart began setting up the scenario which would all but ensure Milhouse’s demise and began whimpering to the two boys. Groaning, Bart looked down to his baby sister and quickly smelled the problem.
“Hey, go change Maggie for me while I set this up.” Bart said nonchalantly. He welcomed Milhouse’s distraction, it would help him hide all the handicaps he would give his friend in the game, but Milhouse was shocked. He had never changed a diaper before, not to mention even have to deal with a baby so matter of factly. He usually caved to Bart’s demands, but at some point, a line had to be drawn.
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Simpsons Porn Story: Enter Duffman Chapter 1
Simpsons Porn Story: Enter Duffman Chapter 1
hackrcam wrote a parody song to bingo so I wrote one to enter
sandman. However his was kind of good mine kind of sucks
Say your
prayers fat one
forget, my oaf
To drink
every beer
Drink it
in, warm within
Keep you
free from Marge
Till the
duffman he comes
Drunk with
one eye open
Vomit on
your pillow tonight
take my beer
Or your
going to visit never never land
wrong, shut up Marge
Heavy beer
And they
arent of duff light
Drinks of
war, drinks of liars
Drinks of
dragons fire
And of
things that will paralyse.
Now I lay
me down to imbibe
Pray the
lord my soul to sober
If I die
before I wake
Lay the
lard in soil to drink
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Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter III
Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter III
A temptation. Until that very moment, he had not considered Maggie as such, but now he realised how deep the curiosity he felt for the baby went. He thought: ‘Maggie had obviously liked how his fingers had delicately rubbed her slit, so maybe I could…’ But he turned his head fiercely, as if he had received a blow. He wondered if this temptation made him a bad person or if it was just natural for a boy his age to be attracted to a naked female, even if she was just a baby. His eyes fell upon the now happy child, who was playing with some plastic hoops while sucking on her pacifier. He shifted his gaze to Bart, feeling the droplets of embarrassment sweat form on his brow. He didn’t know how Bart would take this new bit of information. Sure Bart knew how much he liked sexy Lisa, but Maggie was uncharted territory. He probed his friend with his eyes, trying to make out his thoughts.
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