Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 1
DISCLAMER: I do not own ANY of these characters except Caitlin and Cecilia.. oh and Sammi. *YES SABBIE I OWN YOU!!*brbr
______________________The introduction__________________________
This story is from the characters point of view. So i will put their name at the top, and thats how you will know!! :-D So yeah.. have
______________________Chapter 1__________________________
It was the day. What day i hear you ask? Valentines day. I walk out of my front door.. Hair done, under cap. I check it. Still smooth. good. You guys must be wondering why im wondering for? Well, i wanted to impress the most popular girl in the school. Spinelli. Shes talented, impressive and most of all, beautiful.
“Hey Teej!” Vince shouted bouncing the basketball being me.
“Vince, be careful with the hair, dude!”