Simpsons Porn Story: Death Love and Cowardice Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Death Love and Cowardice Chapter 1

Please read and review! Both constructive criticism and praise are greatly appreciated! Thank you. :)

“Death, Love, and Cowardice”

The end is coming.

The end is coming.

That thought at least was consistent throughout every Springfield denizens mind as we stared in shock and confusion and sheer terror at the towering angel above us, the angel that enounced our impending deaths and ultimately made a mockery of us all. Families held onto one another in rather repulsive exhibitions of synthetic love. The pretentious Christian-types all bent down on their useless knees to pray. Parents tried to explain to their children only now what heaven was, even though they themselves would likely not be going there if it did in fact even exist. And finally, there were couples everywhereyoung and oldembracing each other and telling lies of forever.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Life to the Fullest Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Life to the Fullest Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own The Simpsons characters; only Katrina, Audrina, Tomas, and Rodney.

My first story on !! Please read and review; I also accept constructive criticism but no flames. Thank you for reading!

Lisa Marie Simpson

Age: 15

Occupation: Student at New Springfield High School

Parents: Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson

Siblings: Bart and Maggie

Friends: Allison, Alex, Samantha

Enemies: Sherri, Terri, Jessica

Crushes: Colin, Luke, Jesse

Hobbies: Playing saxophone, reading old novels

Lisa is just your average teenage girl. Well, an average teenage girl with an IQ of 167 and large vocabulary. Now attending high school, Lisa’s gotten more popular, along with a couple of friends. Even now, she’s still tormented by Sherri and Terri, but occasionally brushes it off. Becoming more like her mother, Lisa takes up some of the family duties and always tries to get them to eat vegetarian meals. Until now, her past starts haunting her and she finds her life going down the drain. But the one thing that bothers her the most: not having a boyfriend.

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Simpsons Porn Story: the simpsons viagra fest

Simpsons Porn Story: the simpsons viagra fest


Bart walked around
and around his bedroom, even with all the toys and electronic games
in the room he was bored. Milhouse hadn’t come round but that was
probably due to the fact he was still at his aunts he suddenly
recalled. He sure as hell wasn’t going to go and ask the neighbours
to play, yeah right singing and bible quizzes. He would have asked
Lisa he was that bored but she was out with a few mates horse riding,
dad was doing overtime at work…..overtime must be sucking up for a
raise. Maggie was no fun, so he just paced. He walked out of his
bedroom up the hall, then back then up the other end of the hall, on
his way back he saw his parents bedroom door open, there on his
fathers bed side cabinet was catapult, it had been confiscated two
days ago for shooting frozen peas at Lisa, he smiled boredom ended.
Bart looked around no one but his mother in the house and she was
down stairs watching TV, inside he slipped like a ninja. Bart tiptoed
to the cabinet, as he reached he noticed a magazine peeping out from
under the bed, Bart frowned, he bent down and pulled it out. This
months edition of play dude….cool he thought, with one more quick
look at the door and the catapult gone from his mind bart knelt down
making sure his head was below the level of the bed, just in case.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Slumber Party Chapter 2

Well, the first thing we need to do is get out of this formal attire, Mr. Burns said, beginning to untie his tie. I watched him undress, as I had many times before, but tonight it seemed a bit different. A bit sexier. Or maybe it was just my imagination, inspired to wildness by the cold, isolated, romantic winter evening.

Would you like me to get you some pajamas, sir? I asked, staring salaciously at my friend unbuttoning his shirt.

He looked over to me and I pretended not to be staring. Well, of course. Do you think Im going to prance around here in the nude? Honestly, Smithers, sometimes I wonder about you. That statement made me wonder if he was referring to my intellect or my purity.

I looked in my closet and pulled out two pairs of satin pajamas. I caressed the material with desire. Snap out of it, Waylon. Nothings going to happen tonight, I told myself, although I was not quite so sure. It certainly was the ideal setting and situation for a little erotic exploration.

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Simpsons Porn Story: thesimpsons-lisathetimebomb

Simpsons Porn Story: thesimpsons-lisathetimebomb

Lisa the Time

“AH! What a beautiful morning!”

Lisa sits up
in her bed, ready to bring in the day…one of the most important
days of her life. As her eyes adjust to the morning sun beaming
through the window, she glances at her to-do list on the side of her
bed. 4 things are marked down, all in order. 1. Give a speech at the
MENSA luncheon. 2. Perform a Jazz Ballad for Tokyo representatives to
welcome them to Springfield. 3. Mail her academic application to
Princeton, so she can get in…and the last one, 4. The one that she
dreads doing the most.

“Oh, why did I have to schedule it
for today?” She asks herself.

“Because you’re a big
Brainiac with a big butt?” Lisa looks over to see her brother
standing in the doorway, Bart Simpson.

“Not now, Bart.”
She replies. “It’s gonna be a rough day today, and I have to
ready myself mentally so that I can give my speech soon.”

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Simpsons Porn Story: The Trip That Changed Everything Chapter 12

Simpsons Porn Story: The Trip That Changed Everything Chapter 12

The next morning Bart woke up in fright trying to convince himself that the images that haunted him were only made out of his wild imaganation that it was only a nightmare and not reality. Today Bart thought to himself, I’m going to tell her. Tell her it was all a prank, tell her that that it was never supposed to go this far and tell her that her feelings for Rod weren’t real. Building up his courage he knocked on her door. “Lisa we have to talk” Bart told her. “Just a minute” Lisa responded. Bart whilsed inpatiently as Lisa finally came out and his eyes winded. “Lisa?” Bart said shook in his tone. There stood Lisa wearing a meduim red dress with a little leather jacket, pearls around her neak makeup done right and a shining smile that greeted Bart’s shocked face. “How do I look?” Lisa asked. “Pretty” Bart muttered not wanting to admit the truth. Lisa smiled. “Thanks that means alot coming from you” Lisa said. “You want to talk about something?” Lisa added. Bart looked at the ground he had started off with good intentions and ended up burnt. “You going to church today?” Bart asked lamley. Knowing she wouldn’t be attending church because of her belifes he knew it was a stupid question but he asked anyway only to surprised when she nodded her head to recive another shooked look. “Look if Bart Simpson can go to church without bursting into flames I’m sure Lisa Simpson the Buddhist can go and be okay” Lisa joked with a smile. Bart stood speechless and Lisa gave him a playful punch. “Oh losen up what’s wrong with you today?” Lisa asked. Bart sighed. “You don’t want to know” Bart replied. “You don’t want to know” He reapeted.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons: Babysitting

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpsons: Babysitting

Bart Simpson couldn’t believe marge was going to let lisa be his and maggie’s babbysitter again especial after the last time she babbysat them. After all he was old enough to look after himself and he thought he didn’t need a babysitter! Just because his sister maggie was not old enuogh to look after herself and his mom and dad didn’t think he was old enough to watch her while they were gone. At least his best friend milhouse would be coming over.

With lisa to look after maggie they could be by themselves and not have to worry about her. As much as Bart hated having to have a babysitter he didn’t mind too much that it was lisa. As he knew that he would be able to do what he wanted to do as he knew he could wrap her around his finger without much trouble. Even though girls his own age were still kind of funny lisa was different. She was older and their was something different about her that he had just began to notice at least as far as bart was concerned.

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Simpsons Porn Story: i spy part 2

Simpsons Porn Story: i spy part 2

The next morning marge was in the kitchen first having made coffee and preparing to make breakfast for the family. Lisa shuffled in wearing her robe shaking out her long golden hair. “Well! Good morning sleepy-head!” marge said cheerfully handing over a hot cup. “‘Morning, Mom” lisa said blearily. “Thanks.”

“Well you look dreadful.”

“I have an excuse Mom” smiled lisa.

“Mmmmm… and what might that be dear” asked her mother absently.

“All that noise you and Homer were making last night.”

“Oh I’m sorry did we wake you honey” marge asked looking surprised.

“Yeah it’s okay though.” lisa said.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 1

DISCLAMER: I do not own ANY of these characters except Caitlin and Cecilia.. oh and Sammi. *YES SABBIE I OWN YOU!!*brbr

______________________The introduction__________________________

This story is from the characters point of view. So i will put their name at the top, and thats how you will know!! :-D So yeah.. have

______________________Chapter 1__________________________


It was the day. What day i hear you ask? Valentines day. I walk out of my front door.. Hair done, under cap. I check it. Still smooth. good. You guys must be wondering why im wondering for? Well, i wanted to impress the most popular girl in the school. Spinelli. Shes talented, impressive and most of all, beautiful.

“Hey Teej!” Vince shouted bouncing the basketball being me.

“Vince, be careful with the hair, dude!”

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Simpsons Porn Story: Maggie goes to high school Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Maggie goes to high school Chapter 1

It was a
hot summer day, a kind of day that made you want to swim all day long
in the cold inviting water. Maggie longed to be in water; even if she
couldnt swim it didnt matter if it was cold but she had no such
luck. Today was her first day of high school; she was now 13 and was
enjoying some what of a normal life.

Aw, my
baby is all grown up. Marge says combining Maggies hair even
though it was already the way Maggie liked it.

school, Ill tell you about high school. It sucks, one day youre
the top dog and the next youre pushed into rubbish cans, mocked by
nerds and bored to death by boring lessons about what forces act on
air planes. Bart says, watching T.V while observing his excited

Bart, I
told you not to tell her about high school. Lisa says, after
finishing her breakfast of toast and a cup of tea, it tasted so good
because it was her mother that made it. Lisa was returning to
university, she wanted to become a doctor and had worked her ass off
last year to pass.

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