Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 4
She opened it and was surprised to find Nelson there.
Nelson? What are you doing here?
Iumwas wondering if you wanted to go out. Yknow, just for a drink or something.
Well, Ive had a tiring day, but if you want to come in for a drink thats fine, Lisa smiled and Nelson nodded.
They spent the next hour talking, though by the end of it Lisa couldnt remember half the things theyd actually talked about. Shed enjoyed the company though.
Well. Ill see you soon then, Lisa said as she opened the door for Nelson to leave.
Yeah. You sure you dont want to come with me to Moes? he asked.
I have to be up early in the morning, but thanks anyway, she said as Nelson walked out the door.
Smell ya later, Nelson grinned as he walked off and Lisa couldnt help but smile as she closed the door.