Simpsons Porn Story: It Wasnt Me Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: It Wasnt Me Chapter 3

Bart had fallen asleep, still puzzling over who it could have been who blew up Moes. He awoke suddenly when he heard screaming though. He looked around, at first confused as to where he was, then he focused on the screaming. He recognised that scream.

Lisa, he muttered, struggling as his throat was dry. He tried to move and wanted to help his sister. After a minute or two he realised he wasnt going anywhere. He sat and listened for anything else that was happening, but heard nothing. The silence was almost worse.

He jumped when he heard his door being opened and he saw Fat Tony standing there. Bartholomew. We found your sister and hada little chat with her earlier.

What did you do to her!? Bart yelled, coughing soon afterwards.

An evil smile played on his face and he continued. She said she didnt know anything and she thought you were at home most of the evening. She was lying though, wasnt she, and because of this we had to punish her. he spoke calmly and this just annoyed Bart even more.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Opposites Attract Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Opposites Attract Chapter 2

Opposites Attract

A Lisa Simpson love story

Summary: When Lisa Simpson orders a hematite bracelet on the internet, she unleashes its potential and she finds that she is literally a human compass. After accidentally directing the Earths magnetic field by adjusting the bracelet, strange things happen: All boys are attracted to her- and an apocalypse is about to occur! Can Lisa find out what is happening to her before the unthinkable happens?

Chapter Two: Sudden Changes, Chaotic Future

Just then, Bart walked into the room. He was whistling a tune happily while not looking at Lisa directly. Bart, check out my new bracelet, pointed out Lisa as she was going to show him her new bracelet. Suddenly her eyes widened in shock, why was Bart staring at her in such a weird way? Bart seemed to be in a state of tranquillity as he continued to gaze at Lisa in a seductive way

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Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The next morning,
preparations were underway in the office of Mr. Burns. Homer Simpson,
the safety inspector of the plant and two other ubiquitous employees,
Lenny and Carl, have agreed to come in early for a substantial
compensation. They are busy decorating the office for what appeared
to be a party. Mr. Burns gives instructions:

ityesright there. Excellent! he chortles.

Youre sure he
doesnt suspect anything? Lenny asks.

Oh, no, Im
certain. Ive been extra demanding and abusive all week just to
make sure he wouldnt catch on, Burns replies.

When all the crepe and
streamers are hung, Lenny and Carl unfurl a banner announcing

SMITHERS. Homer has already been distracted by the catered goodies
lying on a long table for the breakfast buffet.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Simpson porn Story: I Spy part 2

The next morning marge was in the kitchen first having made coffee and preparing to make breakfast for the family. Lisa shuffled in wearing her robe shaking out her long golden hair. “Well! Good morning sleepy-head!” marge said cheerfully handing over a hot cup. “‘Morning, Mom” lisa said blearily. “Thanks.”

“Well you look dreadful.”

“I have an excuse Mom” smiled lisa.

“Mmmmm… and what might that be dear” asked her mother absently.

“All that noise you and Homer were making last night.”

“Oh I’m sorry did we wake you honey” marge asked looking surprised.

“Yeah it’s okay though.” lisa said.

Lisa looked at marge. They had always had a good relationship more like friends than mother and daughter and lisa knew she could talk about sex with
her mother openly.

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Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 3

SIMPSONS: revenge of the devil


climbed up and the spell was broke, then the devil ran down but Mr.
burns was walking singing a song and the devil was trapped in the box
Bart was holding however Maggie was about to fall of big Ben so Bart
climbed up and stopped Maggie from falling and put her on a bag and
she parachuted down the clock and homer caught her.

devil had a twin brother who was a kind person but when his brother
was destroyed he would turn evil. Luckily his brother was trapped but
when Bart gave the box to homer Maggie took it out of his hand and
dropped it and the devil died. So UNLUCKILY the devil who was good
turned bad and shot 9 people and 6 birds and 2 ducks and

Krusty went over to him nothing happened because the devil was
wearing an amulet, which prevented anything from harming him. But the
army came to the area and trapped him but he shot them.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 5

Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 5

Herkie, who doesnt
just have his keen sense of smell to rely upon, suddenly pricks up
his ears alertly. He strains at the leash again so hard that the men
have to trot to keep up. They pass the caf where Smithers
tarried and arrive at the dark alley from which sounds of a struggle
issue. Herkie with a burst of energy, finally breaks free of Lennys
control and rushes into the alley. He sees his beloved master in
altercation with a threatening stranger. Smithers, in his compromised
condition, his rapidly losing his ability to fend off the felon. One
more punch by the crook and Smithers finds himself stunned and down
on the pavement. Without hesitation, the brave terrier joins in the
altercation, snapping at the thiefs ankles.

Hey, quit it, ya
darn mutt, the robber snarls kicking at the little dog.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 2

Ch. 2

Please continue to R&R! Thanks!

hours later Bart sat on the couch, drunk as Homer can become at
Moes. Uuuuggghhh! I dont feel so well, he said, slipping
to the floor. His eyes watched the TV, though he could see 3 of them.
He didnt know which one to watch.

time! their mother called from the kitchen. Lisa came down to her
call, passing Bart on the way.

you feeling okay Bart? she asked, a little worried.

he moaned, burping at the end.

Bart looks sick! Lisa yelled. Their mother came running in.

Bart! Lets get you to your room, she said, carrying her son to
his room upstairs.

was about to head into the kitchen again when she spotted a Duff beer
can lying on the couch. She thought for a moment. Did Bart drink
this? Nah, it was probably Dad. Actually, where is Dad?

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Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 4

Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 4

By now, Smithers has
wandered some distance and still trying to figure out who he is and
where he has to go. He sees a billboard proclaiming TRY ALOHA ALOE
BurnsBurnsBurnsstarts echoing in Smithers head like
something he should know, but cant quite grasp. Soon he passes a
newspaper kiosk where the headlines proclaim THE ISOTOPES BILL
MCCLOSKEY HITS HOMER while another front page story reads
PAPARAZZI SUED BY JESSICA SIMPSON. Smithers stares at the last
words in both headlines: HomerSimpsonHomerSimpson, Smithers
eyes flash from those bleary words in one story to the other. He
covers his face and grimaces. Theres something about those
headlinesfamiliar, yet not really connecting. Frustrated, he
continues walking. Soon he sees the cooling towers of the nuclear
plant in the distance. Again he stops and stares. Feeling compelled
but not knowing why, he starts towards them. In the meantime, Herkie
and his new friends follow his nose. After several blocks, the
terrier stops and circles with his head close to the concrete under a
billboard proclaiming soothing relief from aloe cream. Its getting
near lunchtime and Homer starts to whine about getting some food.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 12

Simpsons Porn Story: Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 12

It was well past nine in the morning when Lisa awoke. She could smell bacon and coffee from downstairs and knew that her mother was cooking a light meal, eggs were probably part of the breakfast and that was fine with her. For a few moments, Lisa felt fine, until she remembered the dream. It was so real and full of love, had her father really visited her or was it just her mind playing tricks with her? Whatever it was it made Lisa dig herself deep into the covers and start to cry. She wanted her Dad to come in and comfort her, tell her everything was alright and that his death had been a horrible nightmare. For a good ten minutes, she stayed under the covers, whimpering and trying to forget the wonderful dream. It was too hard though, she would have to deal with it and head down to breakfast before her mother worried about her.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: Bartholomew Drunk Chapter 3

Ch. 3

that day, Bart came down from his room with a splitting headache. His
dad was on the couch, watching TV.

Dad? he asked. Homer sighed, hating to be interrupted while
watching TV.

is it?

you get drunkdo you feel sick at all?

only the next morning I do! he said, chuckling.

Thanks dad, said Bart and went back upstairs.

kind of liked being drunk. I probably got sick only because it was my
first time. My headache is going away. Should I try again?
The 10
year old thought, looking in his mirror. Lets do it! he
cheered, quickly making his way back downstairs. Bart crossed the
family room again, but stopped.

Bart, do you know what happened to one of my beers? I had sixbut
now I have 3, Homer said. Bart turned around.

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