Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3


—-Twenty Years

Maggie Simpson sat
under the Beech Tree reading through for the Millionth Time the
Thirteen Clippings from all those years ago, The papers was now
Yellowing with curls in the corners but Maggie smoothed them out and
read the same story over and over in different Context.

Marge had taken it in
her stride to purchase all Thirteen Magazines and Newspapers where
Maggie was featured. She noticed she had been called Miracle-Girl
In one of them.

The Story was still
fresh in her Mind, at it still followed her wherever she went and she
knew it was all over so long ago but she just couldnt shake it

A Soccer ball came
flying in her Direction and she caught it, Maggie had always been
good at sports after she got her hearing back.

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Simpsons Porn Story: That Damned Letter Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: That Damned Letter Chapter 2

The sound of someone knocking on the office door drifted over to Monty.

Come in. He called, still watching the workers below him.

A minute later, Burns heard a tray being set on his desk, and the soft sound of papers being set beside the tray.

I have your lunch, and your mail. Davies said.

Excellent. Montgomery said, as he turned his chair around to face his desk. He picked up his sandwich. Open those for me. I can’t do it while I eat.

Davies was tempted to roll his eyes. The similarities never ended. Obviously, the young Burns had seen his father at work multiple times. Instead of eye-rolling, Davies picked up the first envelope and tore it open.

Who is it from? Burns asked before biting into his sandwich.

Davies looked at the front of the envelope. It’s from the Selective Services.

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Simpsons Porn Story: His True Colors Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: His True Colors Chapter 2

Sorry about Maggie, kind of a lame explanation why she wasnt at the funeral but itll have to do. Also, Im not sure how much younger Maggie is than the other kids, so please write me a message and correct me if Im wrong Sorry again!

Marge opened the door as quietly as she could, but before she had closed it she heard the scraping of chairs and footsteps hurrying out into the hall.

Where were you last night? Lisa said and frowned. We were worried.

I I ended up sleeping with Mr Flanders and couldnt bother to leave earlier. I fell asleep on Mr Flanders couch. We were, ehm, watching some home videos, she lied and looked at her children.

Maggies here, Lisa said and felt something stir inside of her. She she wished she could have come, she covered for her sister, who had run away two years ago after a big fight between her and Homer. Lisa knew Maggie hated their father bitterly, but she had still looked a bit shaken up when she arrived at their door.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 12

Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 12

AUTHORESS’S NOTE: Thank you all for reading and reviewing! And a bit of shameless self-advertising: I just posted the first chapter of a new story called “Slumber Party”, and I’d love if you guys checked it out:) That is all. Please enjoy the next chapter, read and review! Thank you!

Mr. Smithers stood frozen in his stance, staring at me with unblinking eyes and a frighteningly unchanging expression. What? he asked, his expression still fixed.

I couldnt control my palms growing clammy, and I just hoped the sweat wouldnt mar Mr. Smithers doll. Umare you homosexual?

Mr. Smithers expression changed then, and I dont know I was relieved by the alteration or not. He looked like a bomb, desperately wanting to explode, but attempting not to do so. That is a very inappropriate question for you to ask me, Miss Simpson, he replied, calmly but evidently furiously.

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Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3


—-Twenty Years

Maggie Simpson sat
under the Beech Tree reading through for the Millionth Time the
Thirteen Clippings from all those years ago, The papers was now
Yellowing with curls in the corners but Maggie smoothed them out and
read the same story over and over in different Context.

Marge had taken it in
her stride to purchase all Thirteen Magazines and Newspapers where
Maggie was featured. She noticed she had been called Miracle-Girl
In one of them.

The Story was still
fresh in her Mind, at it still followed her wherever she went and she
knew it was all over so long ago but she just couldnt shake it

A Soccer ball came
flying in her Direction and she caught it, Maggie had always been
good at sports after she got her hearing back.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Call of the Simpsonsyet again Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Call of the Simpsonsyet again Chapter 1

Call of the Simpsons


Chapter 1: The
Adventure Begins

One sunny
afternoon, Homer was resting in the hammock.

Homer sighed,
Ahh, what perfect day. Its just my hammock, a duff, and me.

No work. No boy
(Bart). But most importantly, no Flanders.

Did you call
my name neighboroonie? Flanders asked on the other side of the
fence. Homer complained, Doh! Stupid Flanders! Now my afternoon is

Flanders said
Well Homer, not meaning to be such a bother but

Too late,
Homer replied.

But shouldnt
you be at work today? Flanders asked.

Then Homer got
up, thinking of an excuse why he isnt at work.

Uhh my
boss is sick today, so work was cancelled.

Aww, what a
shame, Flanders said feeling bad for Homers boss, Mr. Burns.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 1


A/n: In The Simpsons third season, Smithers alluded to a Yorkshire terrier he owned at the
time by the name of Hercules, showing Mr. Burns a photo to prove it. The dog was never mentioned or seen
again. So heres a little adventure story that gives him a more
meaty role. Hope you enjoy it.

Legal yadda yadda: I
own no right to The Simpsons or the characters therein. They
dont own me either. Im not making any money writing fanfic,
which should make everyone but me very happy.

Chapter 1

Waylon Smithers arrived
home after another exhausting day of almost literally bending over
backwards to try and please his unappreciative boss, Montgomery
Burns, the overseer of the local nuclear power plant. Poor Waylon
hardly had the energy to get his key in the doors lock, but as
soon as the sound of the key rasped in it, an excited barking issued
from within the apartment. As the door swung open, a small dog jumped
and yapped enthusiastically seeing his master return.

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Marge Simpson could use one more thick thing to tear up as well

Simpsons Cartoon Sex Video

Hentai Picture: Marge Simpson could use one more thick thing to tear up as well
Heaps of Simpsons lassies’ knockers bumping at mighty jing-jang jolts and the most demure funny numens that are made into sex toys. Another fuck-obessed hottie from Simpsons has some great rack to exhibit for us and she can never reject any male around. Hip Marge Simpson hops on a dick, receives cock bum to mouth and drinks a bit of manly cream…

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Simpsons Porn Story: Pulling the Plug Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Pulling the Plug Chapter 1

Charles Montgomery Burns sat in his office, eyes closed, resting comfortably in a large chair. He figured his rest was well-deserved. After all, he had just come home from World War 2 less than a month ago, and being a war hero was tiring.

His calm was shattered when the phone rang. Burns merely glared at it as he waited for his assistant to pick it up.

The man, a short and round man by the name of Jacobs (or was it Jackson?) came rushing in and picked up the phone.

Hello? Burns’ assistant said, and went quiet as someone on the other line started talking. Mr. Burns closed his eyes again, but didn’t keep them closed for long.

Sir? It’s the hospital. Your mother has been hit by a car.

Mr. Burns opened only one eye, however, and used it to look at Jacobs curiously. Did the man really need to tell him this? Oh well, it was best to deal with it the only way he knew how.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Bart Simpson Outcast Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Bart Simpson Outcast Chapter 2

Bart had been in the hospital for three days, and they were awful.

The most dorkish of policemen asked him all these weird questions, and even the most painful one.

Where ya from, son? He asked.

Bart shifted in his bed, Springfield.

What state? Asked the man.

Look, who the hell cares! When am I going to get out of this rathole?

The policeman crossed his arms, Lookie here, Mr. Simpson. Around here we dont take kindly to people insulting us. Its just plain rude.

Bart sighed out loud.

The policeman went back to his flipbook.

Continuing on, shall we? Where ya headed to?

Bart shrugged, Anywhere.

The policeman laughed, Well, well; we have a vagabond here. Thats a first.

Bart grumbled something under his breath rhyming with bucking kick.

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