Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3
—-Twenty Years
Maggie Simpson sat
under the Beech Tree reading through for the Millionth Time the
Thirteen Clippings from all those years ago, The papers was now
Yellowing with curls in the corners but Maggie smoothed them out and
read the same story over and over in different Context.
Marge had taken it in
her stride to purchase all Thirteen Magazines and Newspapers where
Maggie was featured. She noticed she had been called Miracle-Girl
In one of them.
The Story was still
fresh in her Mind, at it still followed her wherever she went and she
knew it was all over so long ago but she just couldnt shake it
A Soccer ball came
flying in her Direction and she caught it, Maggie had always been
good at sports after she got her hearing back.