Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 8

Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 8

DISCLAIMER: The song I use in this chapter and a bit in Chapter 6 is “Something in the Air” by Lila McCann. I do not own this song.

So, then I say to the guy, Yasemwa watu wale ni wageni, Mr. Smithers recited.

I listened intently. What does that mean?

Say, they tell me those people are strangers! Mr. Smithers and I began laughing at his humorous anecdote as I caught a glimpse of Mr. Burns staring at us with covetous eyes. He had been staring at us like that the entire night, and I tried to ignore it.

Oh, Mr. Smithers, I cant believe you did that! I exclaimed.

Sometimes I cant either! he replied, impeding his chuckles. He sighed happily. Oh, Miss Simpson, Africas an interesting place. Ill tell you that.

I smiled and stared giddily at my nights companion. He was so worldly and refined and so darn smart. Id never met anyone like him. And just as I was about to ask for another interesting story, my mom approached our table and made her presence known with her trademark grunt.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Moes Tattoo Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Moes Tattoo Chapter 1


Inspired by The Rose Tattoo, but not as dramatic and
definitely more romantic. Francine and Maury are the only ones who
know of their fathers surprise anniversary gift to Lynn. She
receives the usual pampering, but then Moe exposes his true gift to
her, a red rose tattoo, symbolizing their everlasting love and
passion and her ravishing good looks.

1A Little Rebellious

still amazed Moe how someone so classy, dignified and eloquent could
ever love him as dearly as Lynn Marie did. She had literally danced
into his life that one fateful day back in Pierre Dulanes Dance
Studio and it was as if time itself had stopped. Moe had never
envisioned love as being so magnificent, but he realized that he and
Lynn were very similar. Before she had decided on moving into
Springfield from the marine town of Lighthouse Harbour, she had felt
dissatisfied with her life. She often used art, literature, nature
and dance to escape feelings of loneliness, insignificance and
depression. If she hadnt had turned on the television to watch
the news on the night she wanted to overdose her way into the pearly
gates, she wouldve never had the chance to meet Moe and he
wouldve never begun living life to the fullest state.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: Herkies Adventure Chapter 3

In Smithers
apartment, he has revived again and sits up on the sofa, but his head
is still throbbing agonizingly. He sees Herkie who is squatting near
the couch, wagging his tail expectantly. Are you still here?
Smithers asks looking around. Where am I?

Herk sits up on his
haunches and paddles his front paws, but his only reward is another
groan from his master. Smithers slowly stands and searches the
apartment until he finds the lavatory. He stands squinting at the
blurry face in the mirror a face with a large discolored bump on
the forehead – a face he doesnt recognize but seems vaguely
familiar. Running some cold water in the sink, he splashes it on his
face hoping it will soothe the throbbing in his head. It doesnt
help much. He sighs and walks unsteadily towards the apartment door.

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Simpsons Porn Story: A Random Fic Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: A Random Fic Chapter 1

”Duff Man doesn’t like
kotage cheese and war for the same Ya,”Duff mean said as
He and and Principle Skinner were talking about him being the school

”Now Duff
Man,”Skinner began,”why would you make a better mascot than
Bumbilbee Man.”

”Because Duff Man is
great with Ya!”Skinner gave him an odd look.

”Why do you
say ‘Oh Ya’ after everything?”

”It was a sideeffect of
some headach medcin I took when I was a Ya!Duff Man never saw
it No!!”

”I am sorry to hear
that Duff Man,by the way,what is your real name?”

”Duff Man can’t tell
you,cause Duff Man is under contract,Oh Legaly Binding Ya!”

Well it was very short so
there isn’t mutch to review but plz r&r any way,thx.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 14

Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 14

AUTHORESS’S NOTE: This is the final chapter of the story, and I just wanted to thank all my readers and all my reviewers from the bottom of my heart. You have all motivated and inspired me to continue writing this story, and each of you means a great deal to me. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) I also hope you follow me as I embark on other stories, for I will be sure to follow yours! Thank you again so much, and enjoy the last segment of “Unexpected Connections”.

Yeah, yeah, of course we can talk, I stammered as I jumped off the couch anxiously. I felt like I couldnt breathe; I was so unprepared to see Mr. Smithers again that day, to see him again anytime soon, and there he was. Standing in my living room, wanting to talk to me. It was so surreal and wonderful and frightening and I wasnt sure how to deal with the situation. It had always been I who sought Mr. Smithers out before, excluding the one time he called me on the phone, which was scary in its own right, but it wasnt like this.

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Simpsons Porn Story: If every one cared Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: If every one cared Chapter 1

Hey bart who do you think are guardian is? I don’t care said bart as he kicked at the ground. bart i know your upset about mom and dad. Maggie’s upset to you know. i almost didn’t get any sleep last night. Maggie wouldn’t stop crying. who do you think are guardien is? I said i don’t care. well i do said lisa. i hope it’s not Patty and Zelma they smoke to much. i wish i new who are guardien is. me to said bart. I im children AAH IT’S SIDESHOW BOB ! what the hell are you doing here Bob. are you going to TRY to kill me again. no bart I’m not going to kill you. you were just a kid you didn’t want krusty to go to jail. prove it and what do you mean you are said lisa. about two years ago i wanted to kill bart. so i broke into your house. and changed your parents will. so if they died i would be your guardien. I’m sorry about your parents. Kids you should go home and pack were going to Italy tomorrow. I’m not going anywhere with you you stupid ass hole! Bart don’t use that language in front of my son!

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Simpsons Porn Story: A Poem About the Simpons Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: A Poem About the Simpons Chapter 1

A Poem About the Simpsons

By JennaWrites

This is my first entry, so please no flames. Here is a poem about the simpsons :). enjoy!

Note :I dont own the Simpsons

Silly family

Insane sometimes Marge is

Mysterious Maggie is

Pest Bart is

Smart Lisa is

Oaf Homer is

Not kidding


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Simpsons Porn Story: Passing a test will just crash and burn Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Passing a test will just crash and burn Chapter 1

a test will just crash and burn


1: Lisa failed a test

was Monday, and Lisa was walking to her homeroom class. Today was a
very special day; the day of a big math test.

todays the test, I must be focused, I must be ready, I must not
freak! Lisa said to herself.

entered the room and greeted the teacher.

Mrs. Smith! How are you? Lisa greeted.

just fine, Lisa, are you ready for your test?

I truly am.

just take your seat and we will begin shortly.

walked to her seat, seeing all her classmates ready and prepared,
just like her.

I will pass this test. Id never fail!

minutes later

finished, now I have to take this to the teacher.

walked up to the desk and handed her test to Mrs. Smith.

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And who is boinking Marge’s pink hole this time?

Simpsons Porn Stories

Hentai Picture: And who is boinking Marge’s pink hole this time?
You may have though you’ve seen great Simpsons before, you’d cream yourself to find such a huge collection of high quality content all ready for you… Crazy girl from Simpsons craves to take on this heaviest fuck load in her entire lifetime… Adorable Marge Simpson opens her legs for the camera then jacks off her jugs and soft twat with a thick fuck toy!

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Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3

Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 3


—-Twenty Years

Maggie Simpson sat
under the Beech Tree reading through for the Millionth Time the
Thirteen Clippings from all those years ago, The papers was now
Yellowing with curls in the corners but Maggie smoothed them out and
read the same story over and over in different Context.

Marge had taken it in
her stride to purchase all Thirteen Magazines and Newspapers where
Maggie was featured. She noticed she had been called Miracle-Girl
In one of them.

The Story was still
fresh in her Mind, at it still followed her wherever she went and she
knew it was all over so long ago but she just couldnt shake it

A Soccer ball came
flying in her Direction and she caught it, Maggie had always been
good at sports after she got her hearing back.

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