Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 8
DISCLAIMER: The song I use in this chapter and a bit in Chapter 6 is “Something in the Air” by Lila McCann. I do not own this song.
So, then I say to the guy, Yasemwa watu wale ni wageni, Mr. Smithers recited.
I listened intently. What does that mean?
Say, they tell me those people are strangers! Mr. Smithers and I began laughing at his humorous anecdote as I caught a glimpse of Mr. Burns staring at us with covetous eyes. He had been staring at us like that the entire night, and I tried to ignore it.
Oh, Mr. Smithers, I cant believe you did that! I exclaimed.
Sometimes I cant either! he replied, impeding his chuckles. He sighed happily. Oh, Miss Simpson, Africas an interesting place. Ill tell you that.
I smiled and stared giddily at my nights companion. He was so worldly and refined and so darn smart. Id never met anyone like him. And just as I was about to ask for another interesting story, my mom approached our table and made her presence known with her trademark grunt.